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Oxfordshire Kindness Wave, Oxfordshire Virtual School and Novel Entertainment worked together to produce videos for our children during the pandemic to support going back to school and the importance of talking to trusted people over the Summer holidays.

Horrid Henry, his friends and teachers talk about what it might be like when they go back to school and how they are feeling.

‘Stay safe and stay in touch’

This next video was produced to help children during the Summer Break. The message below was sent to our community at this time:

Oxfordshire Kindness Wave know that so many children and young people have worked so hard during lockdown.  Adults including, key workers, carers, teachers, have held so much in school bubbles, home schooling and alternative provision. We hope that you can have some rest during the summer break. Here is a message from Lord President of the Purple Hand Gang, Horrid Henry, on the importance of talking; remember it’s super important to talk and if you are unable to find an adult to talk you can call CHILDLINE on 0800 1111.

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