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We are delighted to announce that Children We Care For in Oxfordshire will receive a pack-away travel bag from Madlug. Social Workers from Oxfordshire County Council Social Care alongside Oxfordshire Virtual School Looking After Learning and Children in Care Council will be delivering Madlug bags to each child and young person.

‘We were really pleased to receive the boxes of pack-away bags generously donated by Madlug. We are keen to get them out there to our children and young people. Big ‘Thank You’ Madlug’

Karen Palmer Head of Service Children We Care For OCC


Over the course of the pandemic, Oxfordshire Kindness Wave are honoured to have built a friendship with Madlug, who provided pack-away travel bags, used to deliver housewarming parcels to young people 16-18 years’ old living in independent supportive living. Each bag carried items from a house plant, bed socks, mug, hot chocolate, art materials and a cosy blanket.

We asked Madlug if it was possible to send out to all the incredible Children We Care For and they sent more over, so now this summer we are pleased that every child and young person will be able to carry their belongings with dignity. Just in time for Back to School. Thank you Madlug!

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